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A List Of Robot Competitions
This page contains a listing of website containing information about robot competitions. Many robots competing in these competitions use Kornylak Corporation's Transwheels or Omniwheels.
Competition Name | / Robot Competition FAQ This listing contains brief summaries of known robot competitions around the world answering the frequently asked question; where and when can I find a robot competition?
First Robotics Competition The FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, multinational competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way.
Best Robotics Inc. BEST is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose mission is to inspire students to pursue careers in engineering, science, and technology through participation in a sports-like, science- and engineering-based robotics competition.
Carnegie Mellon University, The National Robotics Engineering Center, Robotics Academy The Robotics Academy is committed to using robotics to excite children about science and technology and to help create a more technologically literate society.
Botball Botball is a hands-on learning experience in robotics designed to engage students in learning the practical applications of science, technology, engineering and math.
Acroname Easier Robotics Simply stated, we make robotics easier. Our customers are the people who build innovative robots.
National Robotics Challenge In 2003 the Society of Manufacturing Engineers decided that they were no longer able to sponsor their national robotics challenge. This opened the door for the three teachers from Marion, Ohio to offer sponsorship to a contest that was familiar to many schools in Ohio and around the nation.
Penn State Abington Mobile Robotics Program Provide access to a wide range of students (K-12, college) and professionals (various age groups compete in separate divisions).
dmoz Top Computers: Robotics: Competitions dmoz open directory project's list of robot competitions.
RoboCup RoboCup is an international joint project to promote AI, robotics, and related field. It is an attempt to foster AI and intelligent robotics research by providing a standard problem where wide range of technologies can be integrated and examined.
RoboCup 2006 RoboCup is an international initiative organised by the International RoboCup Federation and supported by the national committees. The aim of RoboCup is to promote scientific and technical progress in the fields of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
RoboLudens RoboLudens is the name of the festival with which the Robotfestival Eindhoven foundation wants to improve the level of innovation in the Eindhoven region. This is done by a playful combination of acting, seeing and informing.
MINHO Team (In Portages) Este grupo, com início de actividades em finais de 1997, é bastante dinâmico e tem participado já em variados eventos científicos e tecnológicos, quer nacionais quer internacionais, o que lhe dá já alguma experiência na área da robótica. Dedica-se à realização de trabalhos na área da robótica industrial, robótica móvel, robótica autónoma, simulação gráfica de robôs, processamento de imagem e automação em geral.
MINHO Team (In English) The main objectives of this research team (GAR) in participating on RoboCup so activly, is to do research and development on mobile robotics in order to colaborate to the RoboCup ideal. Our main areas of research are autonomous vision, image processing, electronics development, control and software.
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